Special Report: Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars

  • 📰 Reuters
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For years, some Tesla employees circulated private and sometimes highly invasive recordings from customers’ car cameras. One crash video, showing a child hit by a speeding Tesla, spread ‘like wildfire,’ one ex-worker told Reuters

But between 2019 and 2022, groups of Tesla employees privately shared via an internal messaging system sometimes highly invasive videos and images recorded by customers’ car cameras, according to interviews by Reuters with nine former employees.

Tesla states in its online “Customer Privacy Notice” that its “camera recordings remain anonymous and are not linked to you or your vehicle.” But seven former employees told Reuters the computer program they used at work could show the location of recordings – which potentially could reveal where a Tesla owner lived.

Reuters wasn’t able to obtain any of the shared videos or images, which ex-employees said they hadn’t kept. The news agency also wasn’t able to determine if the practice of sharing recordings, which occurred within some parts of Tesla as recently as last year, continues today or how widespread it was. Some former employees contacted said the only sharing they observed was for legitimate work purposes, such as seeking assistance from colleagues or supervisors.

“It was a breach of privacy, to be honest. And I always joked that I would never buy a Tesla after seeing how they treated some of these people,” said one former employee. “Any normal human being would be appalled by this,” he said. He noted that circulating sensitive and personal content could be construed as a violation of Tesla’s own privacy policy — potentially resulting in intervention by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which enforces federal laws relating to consumers’ privacy.To develop self-driving car technology, Tesla collects a vast trove of data from its global fleet of several million vehicles.

Elsewhere, regulators have scrutinized the Tesla system over potential privacy violations. But the privacy cases have tended to focus not on the rights of Tesla owners but of passers-by unaware that they might be being recorded by parked Tesla vehicles. A DPA spokesperson declined to comment on Reuters findings, but said in an email: “Personal data must be used for a specific purpose, and sensitive personal data must be protected.”Tesla calls its automated driving system Autopilot. Introduced in 2015, the system included such advanced features as allowing drivers to change lanes by tapping a turn signal and parallel parking on command.


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I still don't get what the draw is with these cars. They are slow, everyone I have been behind goes as slow as heck. They break easily, especially their windshields. What is the point?

who are those nine Tesla Ex-employee? Can I see their linkedin profile please?


Just trying to dig for stories that bash elonmusk. is a garbage 'news' organization, just like many others!

Maybe this is why he didn't used Lidar in the first place


elonmusk owns the largest domestic intelligence agency in the world!

Elon Musk needs to go to prison for this outrage. elonmusk


This sounds similar to the TSA assuring Americans that detailed scanner pictures at airports would not be released to the public.

Of course they did. Elon is a stalker , he stalked Amber heard. Why do you think she deleted her twitter the second he bought it?

Geez, leave it to humans...never fail to misuse undeserving technology gifts.

' ohyea well i smoke in my TESLA all the time '

Caught my attention at naked man. GO.....

Broken link eh?



This is a very fireable offense , you sign against doing that on day 1

Absolutely hysterical (and totally predictable) watching the “bury elonmusk at all costs” campaigns that have kicked off across state run media affiliates ever since he took over Twitter. 😂

ከምኡ ኣይትሕሰብዋ ደለኩም ርከብዎ ወዲ ኢ/ያ ከምኡ ኣየሓስቡን ናበርቲ ዓለም:_-,:;

Breaking news: car with cameras record

I've literally never seen one of these videos.

if you're not doing anything wrong in your car why do you care if Tesla is recording you?

Tesla Inc assures its millions of electric car owners that their privacy “is and will always be enormously important to us.” If it’s as important to Tesla as our safety, a lot of dirty secrets are gonna come out.


mtaibbi - Some investigative reporting for you...

Haters want you to believe that Elon has been spying all these years but as a proud Tesla owner and $TSLA shareholder let me tell you I have absolutely no issues with Elon or other Tesla employees watching my wife naked in order to label data as long as it helps the mission.

Is this legal in the USA?

Rueter is just a paid messenger. Like most mainstream media, they all paid to play just like the corrupt elitist Democrat team of Hilary, Bidens, Pelosi, Schumer, and AOC. If there is justice, that is they are nincompoops and got exposed

Tesla fanboys will not be happy about this one.. LOL

AlderLaneEggs probably nothing

Not surprised, Tesla leadership dictates a company culture of lies deceit and a lack of safety or privacy concern SecretaryPete

❤️ Tesla & Musk Great cars! Great company! Intelligent man! Reuters is another MSM outlet that truly sucks! Biased of course. It will all come out in the wash!

Lol. Seem they are out of real news now. Out of curiosity- Can you have the videos plz? 🤩 $tsla

More free advertising for Tesla 😂

$TSLA Flashback:

AntiToxicPeople So you can get spied on and flambéed. Great.

Earlier US used to raise debt ceiling to fund its luxurious lifestyle & then sell/export its debt to other nations Now nobody wants US debt. DDD ~ Ditch D Dollar is the new Revolution bigger than the industrial, tech or AI. KaMeHaMeHa ☯️

Disgusting car company ! Shame on Tesla

How dare you! This could impact the stonk! If Elon wants to rub one out to an image of me rubbing one out in my Tesla (which I love by the way) then he should be able to!

CommunityNotes fix this before Elon sees!!!

AntiToxicPeople I saw that! It was in the 'Toddler go Squish' compilation! A classic!

Getting to the point where for every Tesla pump there’s a fact based anti-pump.

AntiToxicPeople Uh oh… elonmusk is now going to slap you with a “state-affiliated” label 🙄

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