Living in her car, she was afraid and harassed. Then she found an unexpected refuge

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Car Car Headlines News

Car Car Latest News,Car Car Headlines

Increasing numbers of homeless people in California are living in their vehicles amid the ongoing housing crisis. But now advocacy groups have opened up 'safe parking lots' designed to let the homeless sleep in their cars without fear of being removed.

But keeping it tidy serves a dual purpose. The 36-year-old woman is homeless and has been sleeping in her car at night, converting the back seat into a bed. "I usually wake up a few times, just tossing and turning," she said recently as she grabbed some blankets from her trunk. "It's not very comfortable," Kush said of the tight space."I'm 5-foot-6 or -7, so I have to make sure I have some legroom, and this is basically it.

"We're going to identify individuals who are in their vehicles who consider themselves homeless and invit them to park in this facility," said Jeff Kositsky, director of the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing in San Francisco, where the $3,700-per-month median rent for a one-bedroom apartment marks the nation's highest rate.


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Soon to be entire USA if dems take over

Thanks to their TheDemocrats senators

Focus on Pelosi and her inept policies that ignore the homeless, allow crapping in the streets, show HIV needles all over the streets... it's a third world slum and Pelosi is in charge... where's your reporting? Oh yea, you're in bed with DNC.

__jess78 let’s move to California head ass

I live in SD between a car and hotels when I can....been 3 years

This is liberalism.

Democrats should be ashamed!

Keep encouraging it 🤷‍♂️👌

Homelessness in a symptom of addiction and mental illness. You cannot help the homeless without first treating their illnesses. Enabling the behavior that put them where they are will never work. Why get better if it’s easier to not?

Proud democracy.....

The left never sees the real part of the problem just like this they will spend millions on security for the parking lots and not a dime helping these people find jobs

California is lost as long as Democrats keep control of it.

When you elect socialist democrats you will always get poverty and a third world lifestyle

Interesting that this state is run by Democrats ? Might be the real reason why they have one of the highest homelessness !

Nancy Pelosi makes millions on shady backdoor deals given to her kids & husband while her constituents live in parking lots.

CA landlords are sociopaths.

Just look for decades of Democrats in power and, Voila!, you find the worst homeless situations. LiberalVirtuesKill

Enabling and encouraging

Winning policies of the left, causing poverty wherever they lead

One step closer to hell. What’s the next phase ?

Keep handing out needles like candy and decriminalizing theft...

So when rent went up so high we couldn't afford it we moved.

This is happening all over the US why are we calling out California. Trump has done nothing for poor people but taking away ways for them to survive (i.e. food stamps).

Putting human beings on a shelf tucked away in some parking lot isn't the answer

Too many people due to illegals being welcomed with open arms by Democrats and giving them illegal sanctuary. They are taking over our hospitals, schools, housing and streets. Safe parking lots? 😂👎

“They should please make provisions for the carless homeless too,thanks”

Democrat run!

Good idea, hop you will do more than this

Welcome to a blue county...

This is stupid! If you can’t afford to live there move rather than choose to live on the streets

Car? Guess those are considered the elite homeless.

I lived in a car when I was in my 20's in California. Parked in rest stops. Now you can park in Walmarts

OH! yeah that really solves the problem HUH! typical liberal solution. This way liberals keep the money.

Move to a cheaper state for some of these people !!

But California is a beacon to America! WE SHOULD ALL STRIVE TO BE LIKE KALIFORNIASTAN!!!!

According to CNN problem solved! California is self destructing. Taxes go up, rent goes up, property goes up, people making under 100 thousand can’t afford California! So the streets fill with people who can’t afforadbplaces to live.

A caravan of homeless like gypsies of old

Hello !!! RepMaxineWaters SpeakerPelosi KamalaHarris RepAdamSchiff Lol Now its an issue ? You have 200 years in office combined ! Shame on all of you !

People: 'What a great idea' Also people: 'Just not in our community'

who is Q?

Where are all the Movie Stars With their millions What they don’t want to help humanity out there

Don’t forget all of the people who have jobs but can’t afford rent. Those people who are working and living in their cars are experiencing what no one should!

So a liberal bandaid! Got it!

Then drive away from California...find work somewhere else.

San Francisco, where the $3,700-per-month median rent for a one-bedroom apartment marks the nation's highest rate. That's beyond criminal. That's diabolical. How can this be?

Where is the most powerful and richest women in Congress,pelosi?

The standard of living is too high.

gypsynurse30 As usual is totally wrong. It is not a 'housing crisis'. It is an addiction/mental illness crisis. Only 18% of homeless have jobs, so 'housing affordability' is irrelevant. Approximately 80% have an addiction and/or a mental illness. That is what needs to be addressed


You who else lived in his car? Mad Max. TheFutureIsBright

Just don't vote for anyone says they'll fight for you... That's a bunch of baloney 🙄


living in ur car in cali is more desirable over owning a home in flyover states these days smh.

I thought Pelosi and co. Cared about their constituents?

At least the criminals have sanctuary status.

Sleeping in parking lots doesnt make them less homeless. This isnt helping.

Los Angeles, where median rent for a one-bedroom is $2,350 per month? That's fucking criminal.

It’s cute you’re trying to claim the majority of homeless people are well adjusted and just down on their luck. In reality mental illness and drug addictions is leading to this crisis. Enabling doesn’t help these folks

it's like putting a bandaid on a severed leg

Wal-Mart has been doing that in Austin for years.

So many homeless?

Welcome to the new Socialist California Republic. Taxpayers and small businesses flocking out of state, while Sanctuary cities see crimes rise and their streets covered in Tents. SF has MORE homeless drug users than High School Students.. Think about that.

So instead of solving the homeless disaster hitting our state we’re praising people for opening parking lots so people can sleep safely? How about we not applaud half-measures and stunts that won’t scratch the surface of our homeless disaster.

Bringing in more financially dependent migrants and all their kids should totally help, right?

Brilliant...cutting edge...not.


What if you, and I know this is crazy (to nimbys), but what if you built like mini-houses, all stacked together in a single building and called them apartments? Some of that would go a long way

Thank you liberal policies.

Get a van...

California, land of destitution. charliekirk11 larryelder SaraCarterDC


This is caused by 'capitalism', the supply and demand scheme places money above all while humanity is an afterthought. America was sold this BS idea generations ago and cling to it to our detriment.


Instead of building houses and creating opportunities for them they open up a 'safe parking lots' as the us is the richest country in the world.

Lol, ran by the loudest TrumpHaters!

It’s not a housing crisis. It’s a greed crisis. There are homes available, however only for the wealthy.

So why should we welcome refugees with open arms?

Democrats have failed again.

Wouldn't finding flatmates be easier?

GavinNewsom SpeakerPelosi realDonaldTrump. Anyone wanna do something, like soon?

I love this

Tech companies need to be taxed up the.... Plus Chinese and other countries oligarchs are laundering money buying up coastal property/investments. Foreign investment needs to be stopped.

العالم اصبح غير امِن بالمره وهذه كارثه يجب أن يُحاسَب عليها كل من قدم اوراقهُ ليُصبِح مسؤولاً عن أحوال الوطن والمواطن

The democrats are a complete failure.

SpeakerPelosi you are a helpless monkey - you will never lead American people when you can’t even get a grip on the state your in!

How many stories like this need to be published before Gavin Newsom and pals start allowing high density housing? At a minimum, build small studio type apartments for individuals like the woman sleeping in her Prius.

American citizens should be able to afford housing. Is this happening in sanctuary cities? A lack of housing drives costs up. Vets and all other citizens should be first. If you can’t house your own you have no business bringing more people in.

Its a damn shame that this is happening in America! We need to do away with free enterprise! People don’t deserve to have the privilege of setting their own prices! The only way to have fair prices is for the government to appraise everything and set a fair market price!!!

A socialist utopia.

Why do you stay in places with ridiculous rent/home prices and higher unemployment, when you can live in other areas without being homeless?

Dems, by reason of their inaction and managerial incompetence, preside over ugly and dirty cities.

Do nothing DemoRats are responsible for this

Trump Opened Floodgates for Foreign investors ,Trump Foreign friends,Raising Rent on America,Can't no longer afford to lives in their owned Country Foreigners Owned,Real Estate,Fast Foods Chains,Gas Stations near me,Worker said Owner Lives in Afghanistan

This is not the solution.

Very Good!

Keep voting blue California

This is what happens when you educate illegal children and provide cancer healthcare subsidies to 1 out of 2 Hispanics.

Liberal policies will destroy America...these are policies pushed by CNN

Who is cleaning up the human feces?

My goodness who could hold the tears back reading this. America what’s going on? People ahould NEVER live like this. Young people starting out in life cannot afford remt for 2,350 a month. Come on that it is horrible and just disgusting. You got 45 focusing on sucking up to

Gavin Newsom and the Democrats are creating a utopia! They just need to keep people poor and dependent. They are doing a great job of it!

Oh y’all are only concerned about people in Cali... don’t bother one big quake and y’all outta hereeeeeeee

It’s a sad situation but can some folks open their doors to help these individuals until they can stand on their own. I know I would!

How about living in area you can afford.

I live in California and I'm so embarrassed!! My Govenor is the worst ever! Newsome!

See this kind of problem that your nation (America) had Sen. Leech aren't you concerned about your people... 🤔🇺🇸🇵🇭👊🤘🤙👌✌️

The housing crisis has nothing to do with it. People are lazy and don't like to work.

People living in their cars in a safe parking lot area. Next they’ll have a security guard , running water and electricity. Logical to then build small sleeping spots instead of sleeping in the cars. ......Oh wait, that’s called an apartment complex.

Imagine if they have all the money from the “investigations” to this cause. Dems show true colors care more about removing trump than homeless

Why is this happening in the richest and most powerful country in the world? America should be an example, the beacon of the world... ?

If you have been censored or lost your account, follow me and I will follow you back as long as you hate

Political leaders in California, including Pelosi, haven’t a clue on how to solve this problem.

Only in California... encourage homelessness..

You can be under employed and still afford your car and perhaps a gym membership for wifi and hygiene. If property taxes continue to go up many seniors and middle class will lose homes.

Stop giving billions to other war ridden countries and help our own citizens first.

It's not a housing crisis. It's a personal responsibility crisis.

Aww CNN, How nice of you to re-label California’s failure as a “housing crisis” vs. what it really is. You are too afraid to say who is really accountable for this. Hint: the ones in power.

Its so offensive that her dog govenor who made this homeless problem with democrats liberal policies to insist President Trump now give them federal taxpayers dollars for section 8 hud grants which will only put the burden now on all taxpayers for every other dem failing city

If this is how you “fix” these issues in your State.... YOU have elected the wrong people!! SpeakerPelosi RepAdamSchiff GavinNewsom

There’s not a homeless crisis fake news CNN there’s a crisis with lazy pieces of trash that won’t go to work when there’s plenty of jobs

Why don't they get jobs and rent a home?

Oo wow

Okay of the economy is DOING SO WELL WHY ARE THERE SO MANY HOMELESS PEOPLE is this DUE to a GREAT ECONOMY? well we havs been Told how wonderful our economy is DOESN'T LOOK THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!

The leaders have given their town to gang's and drug dealers. Just get out!

They should do like so many others: get in their cars and keep driving.

How about we push government to deal with the housing crisis as well? HousingForAll Warren2020

'greatest country in the world..' 😂

U can thank GavinNewsom for this BS. People in the USA should not have to live in their cars. California is a sloppy mess and Gavin has made it worse. Gavin is more concerned with giving this woman's taxes to ILLEGALS and people who $hit all over the sidewalks than helping her

This is what trump America looks like in just 4 years can America afford him for 4 more years 🤨


Safe parking lots? How about we stop building luxury high rises for 4800 for a 1 bedroom and just create affordable living. Wtf

Democrats are successful at spreading the misery. Good thing they have walls around their houses.

Is this supposed to be a good development? A positive step? Only the left would.....

While Crazy Nancy, Do Nothing but investigate the President.

Is this due to the many brush fires or other unfortunate issues

where are their WIR's ?

Coming soon to a ballot box near you, “California Has Fallen” starring GavinNewsom and special appearance by Schwarzenegger. When the Liberal & Globalist agenda fails, “We The People🇺🇸” must take it back & turn California RED or be DEAD in 2020. This is vote is rated M18+

If you have a car in California you need to get in it and Drive the hell out of California!

It's stupid that you cant stay in your own car. Never made sense to me. Maybe I'm just tired. Leave me alone.

Yet they will still vote for Democrats. Zero pity!

California is a liberal created DISASTER!

Pelosi ruined American values. Liberalism ruined American values. Thank God for President Trump to come in and fix the Democratic mess. TRUMP2020Landside

Liberal run State!

This is shameful.

Homeless is everywhere because the rent too high even here in Florida they want first last and this month’s rent and they could be as high as $ 5000.00. Just to move in and all of the illegals have the jobs so this is why it’s a mess...😢🤬😢

Would t it be great if perhaps people like KimKardashian and KrisJenner put their $ toward something good rather than for an MJ worn jacket and a life size playhouse. Just saying. Buy a bunch and help.

Ben Carson's winning plan! An American Doctor put all these people on the streets! Says a lot about our medical system as well...

This is the answer California liberal have come up with for these disadvantaged? Safe parking lots!? That's the best a state as wealthy and liberal as California can come up with!? Sad.

Liberal run disaster! A model for the rest of the country!!😝

Where's all those celebrities advocating sharing wealth? Open up your homes you wealth hoarders.

I have an about rent control? The goddamn rent is too damn high for even a frickin dog house.

Liberals are so compassionate... great solution. They give free needles out to the junkies in the safe parking lots?

This is a bandaid. Get to the REAL problem and fix it. Replace the socialist democrats who continue to enslave the citizens of this great state. It is time for change and a new direction.

Or you could just build a proper and decent country that actually ensures basic human rights such as housing.

It's a good gesture, but how crazy is the World where one can't afford rent...

Leftest policies dont work im shocked

If only they’d let more apartments and housing be built to lower the cost of living. 🤷‍♂️

Glad “safe lots” exist, but shame on us that we don’t take better care of people who can’t afford housing.

I love a great Democrat 'success' story.

bless them. It could happen to any of us

Come on Avalon Alice and Scott they're throwing a softball you should be able to knock these down easily

Is this not SpeakerPelosi District ? Has she not been there for 30 plus years. Speaks volumes don't it !!

Just remember California is a sanctuary state. Maybe allowing illegal immigrants to stay there wasnt such a good idea.

While all the rich celeb douches sleep in mansions

➡️The economies of OH, WISC, PA, MICH are crumbling ➡️Russia has a spy ship off the coast of Florida. ➡️N. Korea is shooting missiles ➡️People are homeless ⏯And the president is tweeting about himself

Such a sad situation😢

It's California!

Cal is the perfect Democratic ran state. These great Americans need more than safe parking lots. They need to be able to make enough to live. Idea, less govt regulations and taxation! My heart and prayers go out to these Americans.

But there are billionaires so obviously everything is fine we just have to wait for that trickle down theory to kick in 👌🏽

Stop coddling bums

If you are an Uber driver with no home and can't afford to rent a room, why wouldn't you drive to another city where you could?

It's a bunch if bullshit that things have resorted to this. Solution: AFFORDABLE HOUSING!!!!

if we stopped having so many illegals stealing the American jobs and driving down wages then people could afford to have a home and I'm not racist it's just the truth

If you are looking for someone to blame, start with these people. GavinNewsom CASenateDems CA_Dem

How many times are you guys going to repost this article?! Asking for a friend 😒😒

A very sad bandaid over a pernicious problem. I removed myself from this crisis in Seattle by moving to another state far from the “tech hubs”. My former home was being loved to death.

That’s great but who pays their property taxes on vehicles like we have to do ? Again another area going to be turned upside down

california is for closers

Had a job interview in Dallas, couldn't afford a hotel; slept in Target's parking lot. 6 orher people were sleeping in their cars as well

Let’s continue wasting time on the impeachment California congress people. Your constituents continue to live in poverty because you don’t care Merry Christmas 🎁


I sometimes sleep in my car when advised to by my wife.

housing should be a basic human right in 21st century.

If only there were elected officials to help solve this crisis 🙀

When California is actually sending thousands of people out of their houses while at the same time upping taxes; vote Red in 2020

Thanks California Liberals

This is just too much damn!!

It’s democrap controlled areas n policies that are the problem! But I’m sure this is all magically trumps fault right!? Silly

Instead of spending money here and there in Africa and middle east, direct attention to these poor homeless people.

Make home for low earners

You've (we)have allowed our GOVERNMENT A TOBE OUR PARENTS/FAMILY that should be our sanity & safety. It's THE ELECTED PUBLIC EMPLOYEES that have fostered these unsafe cultural conditions of homelessness via their allowing drugs to take over our cultures,as well as loose morals

I see by the tweet replies ppl are missing the issue. Rent is too high, income is too low..period. 70% of homelessness is circumstances not choice. The 's are higher because of the tolerable weather in the winter to survive being homeless. Disgusted to see most ppl..don't care.


Wow! Rather than lower taxes and seek to lower overpriced housing in California--the Democrats' solution is to encourage a homeless 'red district'. Something is really wrong with the mentality of the Democrats. Support realDonaldTrump KeepAmericaGreat

This is the reault of capitalism, not socialism.

fastitlinks fastitlinks

Imagine being so daft as a group that you think that this is “solving” the problem. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I’ve been to California numerous times and am amazed at the levels of idiocy that I witness. It’s like the real life version of Idiocracy (no offense to Matt and Trey).

Must be all the winning from the Trump economy. What good is employment when you can’t afford basic necessities?

The US economy is collapsing from the bottom up but because officials only look at the wealth concentrations (companies & investors), they aren't seeing it.

My question is... where are Alissa_Milano MMFlint MarkRuffalo...

How bout Cal create affordable housing for the working class? Everyone in the Bay Area is not employed by the Big FAANG

This country is doomed.

Also, my boys lived in a studio at the Gershwin for $1650 it was tight, but really cute. How much is her Prius payment every month? No family? No friends?

We've arrived at some sort of awful tipping point when we need to establish safe parking lots for homeless families forced to sleep in their cars. Time to go to work finding them four walls and actual beds to sleep in.

Homelessness in the streets, homelessness in cars and soon.. homelessness in homes... great job DemocRATS 👌👍

WTF California! Stop pointing your finger at everyone else and fix your State!

Let me say what CNN doesn't want to say: Suburb living and Car culture are not working any more.

People in their cars are a direct result of the socialist policies of CAgovernor SpeakerPelosi AdamSchiff SenKamalaHarris SenFeinstein RepMaxineWaters

I wish everywhere had this!!! We had to stay in our car a lot when we were homeless. It could have been way worse if we didnt have that van.

Merry Christmas CNN Trump 2020. Please don't act like you care about my State of CA because liberals don't. RecallGavinNewsom

Heard expensive stay to live in thank California! I’m moving to Florida in 2020

California normalizing homelessness. You guys wanna run the country and can’t even figure this out. liberals progressives

I thought y'all had a great economy under the Donald

Democrat job

They can thank Gavin Newsom and his democratic cronies for this problem. Don't look to them for answers, but they'll clean up the hypodermic needles and human waste every so often, to help out. Merry XMess California!


Fucking capitalism, Man.

Call Pelosi and “full of Schiff”. Maybe Swalwell. They are working hard for their state.

She doesn't look like the typical homeless person I wonder what is her story .

So that's how they are solving the problem. How the hell do you live in a car. Ridiculous. Maybe if you had a trailer home.

People have lost their minds.

See DrBiden, people in the USA could use some food.

Wow , this is Trumps America . Doesn’t quite sound like “Making America Great Again “ does it ,

The tax exempt status needs to be revoked of whatever religious institution not opening up their doors.

Thanks to a Democrat party who have ruled my state for decades Homeless citizens increase every year.

We need housing not parking lots

C_Coolidge Nice

They’ll start parking their cars in peoples driveways and the state will pass laws that it’s legal. Bla bla bla


Ahh the liberal utopian paradise they want for the rest of the US!!

That is so twisted!! Why not ooen up churches where THAT would be warmer 😏 if they cant be housed any other way. Or is that just me🤔

Lol. A typical liberal run state.

Thanks for the great work.

California should be the starkest warning to all voters of what is going to happen if we ever hand power back to the democrats

Feel sorry for their miserable lack of accommodation. Human life is too precious to be spent in 🚖 Perhaps, a startup can look into this and give a resolution.

If they are living in their car they are no longer homeless

So sad when Americans are homeless and sleeping in their car by the illegals their job take their jobs and keep the wages down fix the border stop illegals you solve a lot of our problems

How bout giving them places to live kit the illegals they have there country’s they should fight like Americans have to have a America. These cruel politicians r not working for Americans & fools keep boting for them .


Yep, that’s sanctuary cities for you. Dems never learn.

It’s not just California. I know quite a few people living in their cars here in NC.

So many are illegal, so no one wants them. Go back home!!

Thank you GavinNewsom

Is there a home shortage or are these people truly homeless. There are other places to live


When I lived in Santa Barbara there were a lot of homeless. One of the caregivers at a shelter said at least 50 percent aren’t from California they travel here so they can survive the weather and Santa Barbara has huge food banks. We’re generous.

They are called free pooping zones.

I say again. Yet people want to come here. How is this a better life

SpeakerPelosi RepAdamSchiff RepMaxineWaters ..

Let me guess? LA has been under Dems governing for an eternity!

People been doing that through out Silicon Valley’s existence.

Anybody ever heard of the word “compassion “?

This is another damn reason why Donald J. Trump will become President once again in 2020. The Democrats are a disgrace a embarrassment to the United States of America. They have become the party that does nothing but give the American people free lip service. Believe me.

I’m happy she has a safe place to sleep.

Housing crisis.. Really, that's the excuse/narrative you're going with. Ok, keep it up CNN you never disappoint. 👍

Between this and poop on the streets, why does anyone live in California?

High taxes, excessive regulation inordinate poverty and excessive homelessness. That's what the majority in California voted for.

parscale they can’t even manage California and is pushing for them to manage the whole country!! MAGA2020! realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr SpeakerPelosi TeamPelosi AdamSchiff KamalaHarris RepMaxineWaters RepSwalwell tedlieu

Is this what progressives mean by progress? 🤪🤡

This is Socialism

If 16,000 Americans are living in their cars in California, why is the state paying for and encouraging illegal immigration? Let's take care of our own! Enough 😡!

But please, invite more illegal aliens to make it worse

C’mon “4th or 5th largest economy.” Do better.

That’s what liberal policies do

Only the strongest hipsters will survive.

Really sad...

USA is the richest nation in the world and CA isn't far behind .. WTH ?

Newsflash........there are 49 other states in the US that have houses.

realDonaldTrump stop wars and look after your people, stop lecturing world, HOME LESS PEOPLE increasing, your own country is burning, a sincere advise from Pakistan!!!!!

See. Our government helping people find affordable housing.

Welcome to America if a democrat wins

Just another example of failed liberetardism!!!

Dnc has ruined California

living in california is expensive

how absurd, everybody is crazy

Great, still homeless, report on the solution or not...

What a strange state California is.

Thank you Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the California Democrats who made this possible.


Who’s running the State? Should be impeached 🤷🏻‍♂️

Democrats are incapable of running anything over time. Look at the disasters they have made of the big cities of this country.

More victims of leftist policies.

These people need homes not safe car parks -

Saddest news in a long time.

thank you democrats who have run that state into rot.

And the economy is strong? Where? This is intolerable and disrespectful.

Yea...that sounds like a great solution to the extreme homeless problem in CA. Let’s give them more $. NOT!

Rofl. How about getting control of your run away real estate prices.

Worthless people. That state has become a 3rd world.

'Ongoing mental health and illegal alien crises'. Fixed it.

Who cares most them r able to work most just want free hand outs

Time to change Party in California. Put Donald Trump in charge and HOMELESSNESS will take a Serious blow!!!

If they have a car, no home. Give them gas money to get out of cali

And yet politicians from CA want to tell us how to fix our problems? No thanks! Fix yours.

Oh liberal leadership at its best.

O engraçado é que vão criando paliativos para o problema e não encontram uma solução real. Então as pessoas vão se scosrumsnfo com este absurdo e até agradecendo a Deus pelas migalhas que recebem.

Não seria melhor ajudar essas pessoas com empregos e projetos sociais que estimulem o Estado a garantir a dignidade dessas pessoas? Quando um estacionamento será seguro pra uma mulher que decida dormir no carro com seus filhos? Nunca.

A cautionary tale of mismanagement of a state that put illegal aliens ahead of their citizens. Sad. “Don’t be that”

Coming to Connecticut.

And with things like excise taxes, insurance and gas taxes, California still manages to squeeze a buck from even it's most vulnerable

Housing crisis made possible by cali govt inviting any and every illegal possible with sanctuary and handouts that are nit even available to citizens

أمريكا من الداخل هذه حقيقة America from the inside This is a fact

It’s a strange realization that your best experiences are what created another’s horrible,if not,your good would never be realized.Without comparison & relativity there is no experience and that duality is inescapable.The worst parts of life are created by what you love the most.

Ummm... That's a solution? Seriously? California has an economy larger than many countries, yet they are ok with people sleeping in cars and kids going without lunch? Yet Hollywood and Silicon valley seem well funded!

Yet illegals get accommodation and everything for free?

Aqui no brasil moram nos viadutos e calçadas.

POTUS keeps touting jobs, great economy, stock market rising. His tax cuts for the rich helped in that way, but the poor & working-class are struggling. Many of his rally participants fall into that group, they laugh at his mean statements, repeat his lies, I ? their intelligence

Look folks America has become 3rd world!!! Hahaha a leader with a 3rd world mental

There's not a woman on earth that should be homeless, because when God creates a woman..there's a man for her 1 Corinthians 11:9 and that's even if she doesn't work.. Unless she stubborn, rude and doesn't want to keep house. God will make a man take care of her🕊H2R💖...

This is what awaits you in NE England for voting Tory !

They mention all the states that are liberal. People need to open their eyes and see who they put in charge . Remember no one owes you shit you have to work for it .

Well that fixes everything I guess....

Abandon the failed state or vote out the worthless leaders.

Maybe SpeakerPelosi will help them.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 DOUBT IT!!!!!!

They're homeless and suffering, but they will still vote Democrat.

Rents in CA are ridiculous. Some people loose there jobs and unfortunately they have no savings. It’s easier to criticize than to come up with a viable solution. Some can be homeless today and pull out with help of friends and family. Never know when it can hit home.

But hey our moronic governor is building housing for homeless at 600k per room 🤨🤐🤨🤬🤬🤬

Go California!

I thought the Dems were helping people! Guess not!

wow... you're homeless but driving. that's a first

Until they turn the 'safe parking lots' into drug/crime infested SH-- Holes. Like the one 10 blocks from my house. They had to shut that parking lot down for the homeless due to Arson and 2 Murders. THIS ISNT THE ANSWER CALIFORNIA. WAKE UP!!

While safe parking lots are an important part of the 'transitional' part of homeless services, the 1 focus MUST be on affordable housing.

Make sure u tax them lots

Living in a car? In US? Damn

Imagine what a $1000 per month can do for each of these affected citizens.

Good one California. The fact that a complete shithole gets the biggest say in who the President of the country is should be concerning.

TheDemocrats don’t give a sh!t..!!

California is more interested in illegals than their own people.

Liberals have destroyed California

AndreaGil55555 Wealthiest Nation my A$$!!!

Homeless people have cars?

There is a dire need for affordable housing. this is heartbreaking

I dont understand if you cant afford to live there then move to another state

Keep electing Democrats

For fucks sake MOVE!! You’re already in your car, there a lot better housing markets outside of California

The divide between the haves and have nots in California is insane. Everybody in between is either leaving or thinking about leaving California.

Too many illegals...and it is democrat run...this is the result...always...

If you are homeless, in any place in the US... where are your best chances at survival? Where are your best chances at comfort? You go to where it is warm.

But now advocacy groups have opened up 'safe parking lots' designed to let the homeless sleep in their cars without fear of being removed.Think about that a minute. They giving them a parking space not jobs (until their car gets repossessed.) CA is fked! WTF?

California that's a democrat state isn't it?

Good least for now.

If they did that in all of the empty lots in Detroit, people would be carjacked daily. Seriously.

Socialism at its best! Maybe we can start to house them in wine caves!


Minivan are great for living in them

Uber living

Yeah ok that’s the answer ... lol. Just don’t bring your ideas inland.

Get a job. Jeez it ain’t that hard.

These will become “crappy” parking lots. Safe, but crappy if you get the point.

Democrats screw everything up. It’s a shame libs have control.

It's not a housing crises. It's a mental illness crises. Listen to Dr. Drew talk about it.

You all know this was in Soylent Green, right?

Mind boggling that the CA Dems would spend all of their time and resources trying to impeach Trump but they will not spend a minute trying solve the humanitarian crisis in their own backyard. shameonpelosi

Well what do you expect it’s California

California needs to turn red otherwise this will just get worsr and worse.

Democrat solutions!

Liberalism at its best

Imagine if the people that make policy decisions in California focused on fixing this problem instead of spending all of their time trying to remove a duly elected President they don’t like.

Looks like the democrats came up with a brilliant solution to the homeless problem. 🙄

So alarming

Democrats are only interested in impeachment not this problems still opening up sanctuary cities for foreigners not taking care of their own soo sad

The problem is that government everywhere now is not thinking about the people that brought them to power.

It's a start but we can do better.

Meanwhile GOP is saying economy is good and people are doing well. This is very sad because people are struggling because cost of living is so high. The economy is good only for the rich.

Great liberal ideas. Haha

Thank you Trump for making car less expensive (less environment). More people can afford cars.

Tell them to get a job!!!!! They're out there!!! Disgusting. California sucks

That’s just fine, but the neighborhood isn’t safe. On the other hand, if they were allowed sleep in a safe neighborhood, like nancy p’s area the private security or police department would be able to protect them from the thugs. Maybe we could vote on that suggestion!

Thank you Kamala Harris for this nightmare that is California!

And California will still keep voting those brainless liberals into office...

Way to go GavinNewsom SpeakerPelosi SenKamalaHarris RepAdamSchiff RepSwalwell You should be so proud

This is a disgrace. Housing cost, food cost, have all gotten out of sight and no excuse for the land of plenty. I will give farmers a price support to ensure they can produce maximum yields to bring the price of food world wide down.

California. Of course, it is.

The fact that people seem happy with this solution should make us all ashamed.

Liberals want the entire country to become California.

Developed country that's have difficult to get your own apartment, thanks God for rise me from Nigeria

At least she's not shitting in it liberal fascists. But, that would be OK with you as well.

Whata surprise! Socialists politics doing wrong....AGAIN.

pez1963 California can't make payment on the 60s cultural revolution.

Blame it on the democrats. All they care about illegals and the impeachment sham. TRAITORS AGAINST THE PEOPLE.

'we keep making it easier, yet the numbers keep increasing. we're not sure what the problem is.'

Can container homes not be considered as a solution? california housing?

This is why California sucks. Instead of helping to create opportunities to help improve these people to improve their situation, they create parking lots. Maybe they should all park in Nancy Pelosi's estate driveway as I am sure she is guarded 24/7 365?

Come to California and see how Schiff, Pelosi and Waters care for Americans. Please! But be sure to pack your tents and flashlights.

California the Democrat Utopia!

Nothing to brag about.

Behind the majority of the homeless is a story because there is always some type torture/ trauma:rape, torture, molestation, physical/mental abuse, war, etc. Trauma=behavior.Why do you think there are so many homeless Veterans?

Most of the homeless are not from LA. Social workers need to help this community to go home. California should sue home states for financial support.

This is what happens when you allow housing to run a muck. Same thing is happening to downtown Seattle and will slowly be happening to Boise. Californians are gutting these areas buying up housing and raising the rent after

Ahhhh... the fruits of liberal policies. I know....'We need more money.'

These poor people live among the richest in the country what is going on

Sad sad sad if only they would just lower the taxes so the people can live

Dont make it so public..Trump will try to ban sanctuary parking lots! impeached

What about the pollution that fuels the 'climate crisis' that they are producing by leaving a big pile of 💩 in the steets. That ok with all the climate mongers?

Yeah. That doesn’t sound any better than not having a home. Just saying. Hoovervilles.

How about drive to State where housing is much cheaper?

Noted leftist utopia California?

Meanwhile in Washington, it’s let’s send a billion dollars in “foreign aid” to craphole country X and another billion to craphole country Y then some more money for Z!!

That’s not what Walmart parking lots are for?

America is normalizing homelessness. Is that one of the things that makes American 'exceptionalism'? In the richest nation on earth, kids go hungry, people are homeless, POTUS is trying to take away healthcare, caging children asylum seekers... America is a failed state

May the Good Lord protect all Homeless.......there are also many more Homeless People, refugees, families, children in Africa with not even a car, parking lot to sleep in.......We much continue to each brothers keepers

Wow! This is leftist benevolence and problem solving. The are sleeping in their cars on the streets? Hey I have an idea, let’s buy them a parking lot away from our beautiful city where they can safely sleep in their cars! Aren’t we wonderful!?

California is the shithole capital of the world. Thank a Democrat!

at least they’re off the streets so people can actually traverse public sidewalks

California put out a giant beacon to people that wanted FREE stuff. They refuse to punish criminals, they let people use the street as a toilet, free needles and more... no one is shocked at all, that’s why many tax payers are leaving.

Outstanding job GavinNewsom

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