Tire-deflating climate activists coming to Vancouver 'soon,' group says

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A group of climate activists who 'disarm' SUVs by deflating their tires is preparing to target vehicles in Vancouver, according to a representative.

A group of climate activists who "disarm" SUVs by deflating their tires is preparing to target vehicles in Vancouver, according to a representative.

The Tyre Extinguishers has since put out a call on Twitter asking any Vancouver residents interested in joining the cause to get in touch. Police have cautioned that anyone caught deflating tires could face charges of mischief under $5,000, an offence that carries a maximum penalty of two years in prison under the Criminal Code.


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Sling shot and ball bearings will be their reward if catch catch them . Wouldn't think twice of sending them home to their mommies basements with multiple welts .

And they should all be charged with vandalism. And themn put in an insane asylum for being to stupid to think for themselves . Climate change is a weather manipulation deception to push their evil agendas . This world is here till God destroys it with fire .IT IS WRITTEN!!!

Call them what they really are 'climate criminals'.

They driving?

Hope their dental coverage is up to date...

When activists become criminals, should be treated like such.

Criminals, NOT activists These people are criminals

Tire vandals coming. Get your priorities straight.

Obviously these people don’t have a drivers license and probably live off of EI. Spoon fed gen z I’m sure

Get to woke ppl!

Scary to think there may be a huge backlash to the deflating. Vigilantism may occur as vehicle owners won’t be happy 🥴

Drive a big SUV into a lot, chill in the back with a bat and bear spray. Don't forget to have fun!

Climate activists protesting climate change which is totally beyond mans control but wanting to press their far left agenda on a population that is too busy trying to pay for food and gas because of rampant government inflation and could not give a shit about their agenda anyway.

Stunning and brave

You mean terrorists?

This is what happens when politicians and media push climate alarmism instead of actual science.

You mean criminals. No one to blame but themselves when they get caught and/or end up in hospital. ClimateScam ClimateCriminals

ac·tiv·ism /ˈaktəˌvizəm/ Learn to pronounce noun the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change. 'growing activism on the abortion issue' Vandalism ≠ Activism do better, CTV.

Soon they will pick the wrong SUV and that will be interesting.

Fed or prov funded?

These 'Climate Activists' 10 years from now. 'I was a pawn, now I have nothing and being told to be happy about it'

This is terrorism.


The picture should be of a CTV van. Ha to the ha ha.

Maybe put them in jail for a year or 2. Funny we don’t see this is December… Wierd bcpoli terrorism

'Activists', huh, CTV? How about criminals? No wonder so many Canadians hold you in such contempt. Who wrote this drivel?

Buying new tires is not good for the environment and burning the old is it?

I think many people will be slashing the tires on the activist bikes for revenge and they will deserve it.

be interesting to see media vehicles getting targeted I don’t condone vandalism or violence, when “eff her right in the p$$y” was being yelled at on site media. They passed laws to stop that right away. Maybe if the media cars were targets they’d report it more seriously

I used to have a friend who would put climate stickers on cars. He was proud of himself until I asked: Why would you do that? It will take resources to remove the sticker and any unnecessary use of resources isn't good for the environment.

So if your vehicle is getting vandalized. Do you have a right to use force to stop it? If so, can you use overwhelming force to stop it? Or do you have to find a similar amount of force?

Yes CTV promoting crime. Nothing but the best from federally funded news

Geez... someone needs to deflate these people.


I’ll make sure to power my compressor with my diesel generator to fill them puppies back up 👍

Canada too soft, while dealing with such cult groups.

So CAA can burn twice the amount of fuel, while these people run the AC in their immobile vehicles? Brilliant!! The planet says fuck you!

I hope they come to my house.

I welcome them to attempt that on my vehicle. I'd love an excuse to introduce myself.

They could be causing harm to the climate if those tires were inflated with CO2, and yes, I have filled my tires with CO2 before.


Baseball bat wielding vigil-antis come to Vancouver 'soon' anonymous SUV owners say ...

Something tells me the blue haired skinny jeans Antifa thugs funded by Soros are going to be the losers when they are confronted in the darkness.

Enjoy the new normal Vancouver

Time to start arresting these jerks. You don't have right to damage people's property. And also will just make rest of us angry so not helping their cause either (not that I support them, but just saying).

Suspend these losers twitter. Criminals not activists.

Invoke the Emergency act and freeze the bank accounts of the eco terrorist

Theyre called criminals you government hacks

Too bad you wouldn't call them what they truly vandals / criminals.

Who do you think is teaching young kids to do these things? Mmmm

I'm not going to stop driving my car because someone slashed the tires. 🤡🤡🤡

Criminals now sending out press releases. Nice. cdnpoli

Activist meet crowbar.

Ah yes ctv promoting vandalism.

Hope they enjoy dodging video surveillance and irate Vancouverites with baseball bats .

Hope twitter banned the account of those calling for folks to break the law.

Liberal kids

In Canada they might be more well thought of for offering free car boosts . Their destructiveness is the root of their own demise. Jail time.

Activists? I'm old enough to remember when people like this were called vandals...

That is called vandalism or eco terrorism. Lock them up for 48 days. Bail conditions cannot be in a vehicle or anywhere near a vehicle. Let them walk home, if they get out.

Dentists are about to make some serious bank.

That’s a crime

Send them to Ottawa and let’s see who the whiners in that city prefer.

This is what happends when brothers and sisters make kids......

They are terrorists & must be jailed.

I hope they get shit kicked so hard when they try that next. Let's see how left they are, trying to eat from a straw when they want to ban straws.

Careful..... some folks don't call cops.

Just like the vandals who burned down the churches...nobody will be caught or fined for this. Way to follow the narrative

Maybe before they deflate, those tires roll over said activists. Should be easy to spot. Activists in general are a rather flamboyant bunch

OMG let me catch one 😈👊🏼💥 😂🤣 WishYouWould

Good, Vancouver shit the bed and now they can lay in it.

Activists?! Go home CTV news, you’re drunk

There is NO climate emergency; read a little Science instead of listening to propaganda. Check out Peter Clack or innumerable experts on science of climate...again there is NO global warming.

They should have bank account frozen.

nice from them to help tire industries to max their profits even though tires are made out of *checks notes* well, you know the thing. lmfao

How much of a carbon foot print is that to buy new tires

BambinoJalapeno Bank accounts to be seized I'm sure

Evil haters .. I hope they all get caught and punished .. what is this world coming to.. what gives them the right to destroy peoples property .. so much hate out there . They are disgusting


BambinoJalapeno I don’t think if you’re tampering with someone else’s property, your no longer an activist. You’re actively vandalizing. Trudeau would likely think you’re a terrorist.

Would love one of these junkies to try and see what happens

Attention-seeking cowards.

Come on CTV. They're tire-deflating vandals.

In other news...a rash of ass-kicking has broken out in parking lots across Vancouver.

Now you’re assisting a criminal organization recruit, CTV? Pure trash.

Vandalism = climate activists? Did I get that right? No, it's criminal plain and simple

Is this a parody account, must be a joke, no serious news outlet would call this anything other than crime 10ply

Already in Victoria ☹️

“Activists”….is that what we’re calling thugs now? 🙄

Their email is listed on their website. I don’t think they get it they are forcing tow trucks to respond… usually larger trucks

The question is : why are you promoting them, CTV News? Why are you promoting eco-terrorism?

I look forward to these wokes trying their luck. It won’t end well for them.

Touch my car and you will never use your hands again.

Arrest anyone caught deflating or slashing tires.

Everyone should report them on twitter T_Extinguishers Vandalism Destruction of Property Criminals

On a separate note, the Vancouver morgue is requesting additional bags for unexplained body parts....

This is the new Canada. You can do this shite with no problems. Thank justintrudeau for our failed justice system.

Don’t you mean “climate activists” like “freedom convoy”

Has Trudeau called them out yet in a tweet? JustinTrudeau your silence on this makes you complicit.

I wonder how much jail time they'll get?

Progressive criminals are running rampant in Canada from academia to medicine to government.

BambinoJalapeno How do they plan to get to Vancouver?

So I do all my shopping with a baseball bat from now on or what? Where are the police?

BambinoJalapeno You spelled criminals wrong


That tire is rotting by the looks of it

Stop giving them a pass because they are doing this in the name of climate change. They are leftist extremists vandalizing private property. This is not peaceful demonstration. They are criminals.

Are they...driving there?

TwitterSupport , why are you allowing your platform to be used for openly criminal actions?

🤣🤣🤣 they really didn't think this one through

Lol only in Canada, Canada does not have a gun problem from legal owners and this is more proof of it. If you have clowns running around vandalizing people's property without any fear of being shot then u probably don't have a gun problem.

I hate those kind of people, with a passion. They do nothing good for society.

Someone will get an aluminum baseball bat up side the head if they get caught doing that to my truck.

Pity these people when they start getting caught. Someone will get hurt if they keep up this pattern. It’s just a matter of time, but Trudeau would just let them out and blame Someone else

Free Advice, They should be careful what tires they choose to deflate. Small cars, electric cars stuff like that not too risky, Work trucks, pick ups etc. might lead to requiring medical care.

If the police/RCMP don't nip this in the bud, it will be SUVs today, pick-up trucks tomorrow and regular sedans the day after. You don't rationalize with these people, you arrest them and charge them with terrorism. 10 years.

That’s a terrorist threat openly promoted by CTV News.

These are not “activists” they are criminals. This is why Canadian media has lost the trust of Canada.

How do you know that. Did they talk to you about it. Did you report it to the police. Are you actively involved with them. Should someone call the police about you.

You mean criminals not activists!

Petty criminals...like many on the leftist spectrum...

Because throwing out perfectly good but sliced tires is just what the environment need 👍

So are the activists swimming to Vancouver?

Damage random people's tires to stick it to the big businesses.

I'm guessing if caught in the act they'll be visiting local emergency room

Warm up your baseball bats and tire irons for some action...

Ah, “climate activists” Winning hearts and minds everywhere they go

Come here in Surrey...

My guess is the people of Vancouver are pretty damn fed up with the increase of crime as it is. Targeting their private property? Someone is eventually going to get hurt (possibly badly) and nobody is going to feel bad about it.

Out them.

Report this account. They should be banned. It's criminal activity they are promoting.

They were in effect encouraged by the media with your endless parroting of 'climate emergency' exaggerations.

'But the activists' efforts on Vancouver Island were met with quick backlash, even by some supporters of stronger climate action – including a man whose pregnant daughter's SUV was among the vehicles targeted.' - Good going criminals! Impeding a pregnant woman's transportation.

Tire-deflating criminals*

Criminals trying to delegitimize climate action. These guys care as much about the climate as the Convoy cares about truckers and veterans.

Not activists, just criminals

Can't wait to catch some little shirtbird doing that and watch the expression of total helplessness and loss when I tell him to change the tire.

You spelled criminals wrong.

Deflating a tire requires another truck to drive out to the location and remove and repair it. Thus using more energy. Slashing the tire would require a new tire that uses more energy. Quit calling people who commit crimes in the name of 'climate' activists. They are criminals

Hope they find a buckshot.

Guess I’ll throw them in the garbage or burn them and buy new ones. What a smart strategy .

I dare one of these climate terroists to come near my gas guzzling truck, come on I dare you!

Maybe their bank accounts should be frozen😅

I hope their parents have dental benefits

Criminals who deflate tires are coming to Vancouver “soon”! Imagine people don’t realize the flat tires and cause accidents..

Tire-iron wielding property owners retaliating against overzealous activists coming to Vancouver ‘soon,’ cause and effect says.

Fuck around and find out

I’d love to catch one of these twerps near my car

I think the “punch in the face” activists may want to have words with them.

If I catch one, I’ll phone it’s Grandma & FaceTime her as I make the little scrote blow up my tire with his mouth.

Extradite GretaThunberg, charge her and her supporters with inciting criminal activity, then prosecute her (and a few others, like Suzuki) to the fullest extent of the law. Make an example of them and nip this in the bud now. EnoughIsEnough

Sooner or late the backlash to the government, media, and business colluding in support of suicidal climate policy is going to get real interesting.

Baseball bat in car activists coming to Vancouver ‘soon’

Do these people really believe this is an appropriate way to get their message across? I would usually side with their point of view on this issue but doing this only causes anger and makes people less receptive to your message.

They're going to get hurt and they'll only have themselves to blame for it.

Consider teo things...earths magnetic protective fueld has een weakeni g for 30 years. Two, our solar system travels our around our galaxy where different locations along the journey have aignificantly more danger to earth...eg gamma radiation. Yes man made pollution is real

Kinda seems like us law obeying citizens are going to have to start using these guys violence against these people. Being nice is destroying our country while these lunatics are above the law. That's going to change soon. TrudeauHasGotToGo

The climate change activism is getting more retarded to compensate for the vast amount of people who got off the train after covid: people are willing to live with the risks of what we're telling them is dangerous.

Given that they have so much time on their hands they should go around offering to inflate tires to their OEM-recommended pressures. This will have a significantly larger impact on the environment. You catch more flies with honey.

How r they coming? Hope on foot only.

nothing says 'we're reducing CO2 emissions' like causing many people to have a tow truck or another vehicle drive to them and idle while filling their tire with air...

Modest, humble persons. What we can do is deflate our own tires in advance to help fight the climate change.

How is this not terrorism? Just wait until they deflate the tires of an on-call trauma surgeon who is paged at 3am to rush to the hospital.

There is a new group called 'Tyre Extinguishers xtinguishers'. Their only requirement to join is to be fed up with these activists and to own a baseball bat.

If you filled your tires with nerve gas, that would solve the problem.

Sounds like: a job for the Angels to remove the culprits!

Fuck around and find out

Why are they not arrested yet

climate terrorist.

Put a hole in my tire? I get to put a hole in you too

Climate activists can't be repaired with a patch kit when they're stabbed. I hope they realize this.

AKA idiots


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Eco group takes credit for mass deflation of Greater Victoria SUV tiresThe group calls itself “Tyre Extinguishers” and claims to operate worldwide, saying the large vehicles “serve no purpose” in urban areas, and that “SUVs are more detrimental to our climate than people might realize.” They are not an Eco Group. Media needs to their research. Eco Groups are concerned with environment. Not vandalism, which is a crime. Being concerned with environment is not a crime. Don’t touch what isn’t yours or face the consequences of your action. Done at night like cowards. “Sigh”
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