Opinion | Killing a 13-year-old boy suspected of 'tampering' with cars is an outrage

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Jesse J. Holland: The crime for which Karon Blake could have been charged — if there was evidence to charge him — doesn't carry the death penalty. And yet, that's what he got, and it’s what countless other Black boys and men still face in American society.

Mississippi, an open-carry state, does prohibit exhibiting weapons in a rude, angry or threatening manner, but the maximum punishment is a $500 fine and jail, not death. As in Karon’s case, police have not made public much information about Jaheim’s shooting, and they haven’t publicly released footage from the officers’ body cameras.

On Oct. 12, Krieg Butler, a 36-year-old white man, shot dead 13-year-old Sinzae Reed, who lived in the same apartment complex in Columbus, Ohio. Columbus police arrested Butler, but. Because of a recent change in Ohio law, homicide suspects don’t have to prove they acted in self-defense. Prosecutors must prove they didn’t.

According to a statement Monday provided to USA Today by the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office, police in Columbus “are in the process of investigating” Sinzae’s death, and the Columbus Police Department directed USA Today to a Dec. 31 statement that says, in part: “We are aware of the community’s concerns regarding the investigation and want to ensure the community thatBecause of a recent change in Ohio law, homicide suspects don’t have to prove they acted in self-defense.

For those of you who are asking , it doesn’t matter what Karon was doing out so late or whether he or his friends were messing with cars on the homeowner’s street.


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So were the kids tampering with cars? Why can’t MSNBS give a complete story? I would like to make up my own mind if they would only give us the entire story.

Well if a certain black kid wasn't trying to break into cars, a certain black kid would be alive today. Just sayin.

It is the lies you spread that are killing people.

Blah blah blah😴

Multiple other black children were shot in dc this year yet you chose to ignore those stories, liberal media

So is the lefty narrative here that the shooter is a black white supremacist ?

Wow, what a racist headline

Why even respond to this nonsense?

I wonder why.

MSNBC encouraging this behavior is outrageous.

I thought Americans are scared of white kids with guns who shoot up schools… seriously more bullshit

it's not a scare..it's the reality of crime statistics...


MSNBC is obsessed with the notion that criminal behavior should not face consequences and that criminals are nice people who will cooperate when caught

Black hatred is as American as apple pie. 😡😡😡

×12 times more likely to be killed by a black teen than a white one... FBI stat fact

When will we address the issue of a 13 year old being put in the street in the middle of the night instead of in bed. I don't agree he should have lost his life but way too many teens are committing ADULT crimes now. Where are the parents!!!!

The neighborhood vigilante will answer for his actions but he stopped more crime from happening. If the cops respond to a 911 call they arrive too late. Meanwhile, crime goes on and gun sales go up to satisfy the citizenry obsessions with personal safety and property protection.

No private citizen shown a gun and the shooter is guilty of homicide; saying that, the current epidemic of teen crime and violence, including young teens, needs to be stopped. This boy is not a hero or a martyr.

Not obsessed with guns! We simply exercise our RIGHTS! Not scared of black kids. We are, however, scared of black kids with guns. Or any kid for that matter. Responsible gun ownership is a must.

Black kids kill way more people than guns

Wrong! I don't give a damn what color you are. If you're in my driveway doing anything to any of my vehicles, you have told me you value my property more than your own life!

U can't kill to protect a car, he should be jailed!

Obviously this would not be an issue if the victim would have been a Caucasian.

Where do you get your info?

Sad to see a kid die but from the article (again without full details) the man was protecting his property and should be allowed to. He didn’t go looking for the trouble.

Stop breaking the law and you won't have to worry about police contact....simple

So when the killer has to answer to GOD, what will BE his excuse?

…. But the Content of Their Character. Martin Luther King Jr. what was the content of character(s)!!!

13 in 2am?

Well that total activist phrase was written should be,black kids and people are obsessed with guns and Americans are dying because of this

Why was this child out at 4:00am? Where were his parents? This whole thing is tragic but someone should be questioning his parents.

Perhaps you should report instead on the 100s killed in inner cities each year by thugs and gangs rather than propagating your false divisive narratives and when most of these deaths you talk about are by those who resist arrest, are menacing, and don't follow orders.

Black people are statistically safer living in a white neighborhood than a black one.

I'll just leave this here... and not comment on the distinction between 'tampering' and forcefully 'stealing'.

How the dem left twist, warp, distort and deflect in order to play their usual race card, when in reality more whites are victims of black on white crime than the other way around today per capita wise, and the highest is black on black crime.

America is afraid of the kids in the picture below.

No, America is afraid of Black and Brown kids with guns.

We need to overhaul how the American people are policed. We are not am occupied country. We do not need a police force armed with weapons of war or being trained they are at war with Americans. Maybe the NRA's policy 'Everyone Needs a Gun' might be a problem.

So guilty until proven innocent, except when it's convenient. This is why liberals can't be trusted with power. You'll use any excuse to attack due process.

Frankly, I live by the motto: Hoodies Up-Safety Off........Works for me. These people scare me, especially in groups.

Every night, in KY, tons of people are having their cars ransacked by punks. No certain race. Surprised no one has popped of a shot yet.

America isn't scared of black kids. It hates black kids.

Why the hell does this continue

Selective outrage to the max. In 2021, almost 10,000 (!) blacks were murdered, and almost exclusively by other blacks. That is the real problem, and nobody even dares to even mention it. cognitivedissonance

MSNBC loves to race bait.

The parents and family should be ashamed. Teach your young black men that play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

'car tampering'? Come on man.

Did you hear about the 8 black teen girls (ages 13-16) who swarmed and stabbed to death a homeless Asian man in Toronto when he tried to stop them from stealing his friend's alcohol? Officials remarked that the girls showed absolutely no remorse for killing the man.

Martha’s Vineyard is a gun free zone. Send all these black kids there.

Gee, I wonder why.

He was shot by another black man.

It's only natural to be weary of them when they commit the majority of the crime.

Neither did trespass by Ashli Babbit warrant death but the former journalists who are now propagandists didn’t care then.

He's dead because our establishment turned him into a super predator. When a Gvmt totally abandons the law abiding, what do you think will start happening more and more? Our government is soft of gun crime, but serious about removing guns as a right from the law abiding.

The shooter is a black person yet race obsessed MSNBC has to inject race into this tragedy by claim it is part of a 'white supremacist' culture that makes black people targets of vigilantes. What rubbish.

You miserable, worthless, excuses of journalists. How dare you try to incite for racial division at a time like this using the death of this young man. I demand Jesse J Holland be fired from for intentionally trying to incite racial violence using this kids death!!

So a black man shoots a black kid because he is obsessed with guns? You people that ignorant? And gun related crimes such as this only take place mainly in small pockets of the country. So take your political BS to the rock you came out from under.

Shouldn’t have been breaking into cars huh? That easy! White or Black- quit being a thief

When do we get to say the same thing about open borders?

Wouldn’t be MSDNC without some race-baiting!

Guns don't hurt anybody body its the human that does the harm

How many dead from injections

I was getting nervous reading the story, thank God it was not a white homeowner. Too many POCs would have been in harms way with the mostly peaceful protests that would have followed.

Maybe if he was raised correctly he wouldn't be stealing cars at 13 years old.

Tamper with my car at 7am and see what happens. 3 cars on my DC street were broken into over the past two weeks 😡

Who is incharge of this twitter account? Such disgusting racist nonsense comes out of this person's mouth.

Of course we are afraid of black kids 🙄. Look at the crime and murder in our big blue cities 😡

False propaganda

I just have a quick ?....what kills more black children, abortion or guns

SHAME ON for calling Mexican American Rep realannapaulina & TPUSA a “MAGA white supremacist cult”. Your race baiting slander is criminally shameful fake news! SLANDER MSNBCSLANDER SHAMEONMSNBC

The only thing I'm obsessed with is arming and training EVERYONE, especially black people. With guns, we are citizens. Without guns, we are slaves. BlackGunsMatter

not committing a crime drastically reduces the chances of being killed by the police

Nope, America is sick of crime and liberals are in denial they parenting is the issue with these kids! Woke liberal indoctrination is a HUGE issue with our kids! The liberals are an issue with our kids!!!!


Have you not noticed the violence and murders that teenagers are committing these days? We have 'feral children'.

Tragic indeed. But the decision to postpone an arrest until the facts are born out, is normal police protocol. Reports that the boys were brandishing weapons at passing vehicles is a critical concern. Just how delinquent does an adolescent have to become before parents intervene.

yeah, that's what it was about....🙄🤦‍♀️

That just a wildly inaccurate blanket statement. How does anyone take your network seriously?

yeah its all about cause people are scared of race and not piss poor parenting and culture.

The irony that the mayor of DC says to, 'call 911' when she wanted to 'defund the police'

Wtf kind of headline is this You should be ashamed to even put this out. You people are destroying civil discourse in this country.

Don’t commit crimes you’ll live longer. Moving on.

More hate and racism is all these propaganda activist HAVE. MSM IS THE VIRUS

The whole of the country is scared of all black kids?! That's quality journalisming right there.

The left is obsessed with race

MSNBC is the most racist organization I can think of.

Still the vast majority of blacks being murdered in this country are being murdered by other blacks. Why not report that?

Can we have an honest conversation about crime rates in this country?

No, he’s dead because he valued others’ possessions more than his own life

overwhelming perps of gun violence is the black drug dealer and gang cowards. do you even look at fbi stats or does that hurt your feelz? liberal journalism is nothing but lies and fake news.

We've had 13 year old black kids doing armed carjacking. Stop acting like kids can't possibly be dangerous.

Actions do have real consequences. Where is BLM and helping these poor young kids understand this basic rule?

Horrific that person should have called the police not be judge and jury for this young man. Parents know where your kids are, know who they are associated with and Love them. If you can’t do these basics of parenting don’t have ANY!!!!

Killing the kid is outrageous, but at what point do black kids learn they can not do things that invite unjust consequences? He shouldn't have been tampering with a car. Did he deserve to die? No! He put himself in harms way. Was he tempting fate?

This headline basically tells you very much about the views of the destructive left.

There's an addiction to guns is more like it.

Blaming White folks again? Isn't that becoming a bit 'overplayed'?

I guess the question is WHY are Americans scared of black kids?

Why’d that black man shoot him? Was he a racist black man who just hated the color of that black kid’s skin?

msnbc be like...

The article states, “Anyone with common sense can see that the United States has a gun and vigilantism problem.” NO, we have a crime and morality problem. We solve this, and people wouldn’t have to shoot at kids vandalizing property.

There was no 'death penalty' Wait until you can read report/statement WTF was a teen doing at 3am? Reasonable question MSNBC looking for racial angle here dashed hopes of an issue because citizen here was black. Bummer, huh? ** over 90% black men killed, are killed by black men

BLM? Another false divisive narrative from the dem left as if whites are taking black lives today when in reality more whites are victims of black on white crime per capita wise than the other way around and the highest is black on black crime

Who killed him? Was it a fellow African?

Where's this kid's dad? Why was he prowling with his gang of friends in the pre-dawn darkness. Hell, I can hardly get my kid up before school starts.


He was killed by another Black person

So in real terms, all the policies and movements that propagandists like msnbc promote are making theft, murder and violence more prevalent...

Do a piece on how many lives are saved every year because an American citizen had the right to bare arms. MSDNC used to be a news network. Now it's a propaganda machine for the left.

The replies are all spot on. The “journalist” should consider getting a real job and stop peddling this horseshit. He will probably be promoted tho

Breaking and entering is also not a crime punishable by death under the law but if someone breaks into my house, where my family sleeps, my children, they’re going to have a bad day. I don’t know their intentions and I’m not about to find out.

Easier than being a burden on society!

People feel threatened when someone is breaking into their home/car at 4am. Take a conceal carry course. Yhe law is clear, all you need to use lethal force is fear of your life. Why don't criminals understand that we don't know what they intend to do, so we defend ourselves?

Very unfortunate he thought someone else’s property was more important than his own life.

Ahh, MSNBC pushing for more gun control. Probably not happy they can't use the race card on this one, but you can't always get a 2fer can ya folks....This happens all the time in Chicago, kids killing each other. Magically, you don't talk much about that...

FAFO. Simple as that.

And Whites , Browns so what’s your point other than to stir up racial division

As with most stories skewed towards anti-second amendment sentiment, they canonize the criminal and turn the victim of the crime into a caricature. Two people were there and one broke the law. I'll let you guess who the lawbreaker was.

Elon Musk releasing Twitter files has revealed that conspiracy theorists are more trustworthy than the media 🤣

Ammosexuals love killing and violence to such a disgusting extent they do disgusting inhuman shit like this, killing people over objects. If someone is stealing something, call the cops, get out of their way, but things can be replaced. MURDER is MURDER.

Then stop committing crimes. It’s simple. Where was his parents

Clear case of self defense and protecting your property from thugs, its sad that they where killed but the criminals have only themselves to blame

Thugs 👩🏿‍🦰👩🏿‍🦱👱🏿‍♂️👦🏾

It's not the guns.

Why do they value other people’s property more than their own lives?

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