German leader to visit Serbia seeking lithium for his country's car industry

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Olaf Scholz News

BELGRADE,Serbia,Excavation Plans

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit Serbia later this week to discuss a tentative deal with the Balkan country for the...

to cancel a $2.4 billion excavation project launched by British-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto in western Serbia, which is believed to be the the largest lithium discovery in Europe.the excavation plans came after thousands of protesters in Belgrade and elsewhere in Serbia in 2021 blocked major roads and bridges to oppose Rio Tinto’s plans because of potential hazards to the environment.

There will also be a letter of intent signed by the Serbian government and several companies related to the lithium mining project, he said. “I don’t see what’s wrong with that," Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic said referring to the tentative deals that are to be signed. “That means we have an advantage in our hands.”


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