Neighbourhood hit by plague of rats that chew through wheelie bins and nest in cars

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Old Swan News

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'I will always see four of five rats a night, or more'

People living in an Old Swan have been beset by a plague of rats. The wily rodents have been spotted running about the streets, getting into wheelie bins, and even nesting inside car engines. Multiple streets have allegedly been hit by the horde, with residents from Sunbeam Road, Orleans Road, Southgate Road, Fitzgerald Road, Pemberton Road, and Shaftesbury Terrace complaining of their troubles on social media.

You can actually see the rats running around.' He said some neighbours on other streets had problems with rats coming into their homes. Ring doorbell footage shared with The ECHO showed rats scurrying about the streets at night, while another video, taken by Dave, showed one large rat nestled in the bottom of an empty wheelie bin.


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